We raise a small herd of hereford and angus cattle on our ranch just outside Livingston, MT.  Our cattle have access to the open range where they have access to grazing lands and spring water year round.

The Lazy AM ranch is located in Southern Montana between Bozeman and Livingston, just south of the Bangtail Mountain Range and north of Pine and Canyon Mountain. Beautifully exposed stratified and folded sedimentary rocks consisting of mudstone, siltstone, sandstone as old as 100 million years old surround our ranch.

These rocks make up the Crazy Mountains Syncline located south of the ranch, between us and Yellowstone National Park and are all overlain by ~50-30 million year old andesitic volcanic rocks. The ranch was purchased by Arthur Miles in 1920 and was named for him as the ranching operation started. We have several springs that run year round. The geology of the area and the springs allow us to feed our Hereford/Angus cattle with our own hay fields. Bud Miles was a grass ecologist and established grass mix of that sustains the cattle and provides forage for deer, elk and grouse.